St James House

Make room in your Life… for your Life!

St James House

St James House is an independent  ‘third stage’  residential resource providing low level support for people in abstinence based recovery from addiction.  The service opened  in June 1999.

It offers supported housing for up to 24 months for people with a housing need  who are maintaining an abstinence based recovery from addiction. In some  circumstances individuals may be accepted who have not completed primary and secondary treatment.

Referrals are accepted from all agencies and from self referrals.

Full admission assessments will be required.

The House provides support for people who are in recovery from a substance dependency. 10 bed-sits are available with shared kitchen, dining and laundry areas.

Residents are expected to take part in 1 group per week and to work collaboratively to acquire the support to meet their needs.

There is also a requirement to take on Voluntary work and/or Further Education and Training. Our longterm aim is to encourage employment .

General  Counselling is provided as required and residents can be referred on for specialist counselling.

Tenancies are available for up to 24 months.

Tenancy agreements will include a clause insisting on abstinence from all mood-altering substances.

Tenants will be expected to take individual responsibility for their own bedsit accommodation and  also collective responsibility for communal areas.

Service aim:

The main aim is to provide good quality accommodation and support  to single people who are in recovery from addiction.

The Objectives are:

  • To provide good quality accommodation that is safe and supportive.
  • To provide  flexible and appropriate low level support to enable tenants to maintain their tenancy and progressively develop a settled way of life.
  • To work with tenants to recognise and support their abstinent lifestyle.
  • To encourage and assist tenants to address their own primary health needs.
  • To enable tenants to acquire and develop life and social skills necessary to manage their own tenancies.
  • To encourage and assist tenants to develop social networks through active day programmes and to access community resources including educational and occupational courses.
  • To encourage tenants to seek voluntary work as and when appropriate.
  • To enable tenants to explore move-on options when they are ready.
  • Residents will receive general counselling as required and will be signposted to other agencies for specialist counselling.
  • There is a commitment required  to attend the weekly group session.

Housing costs are met by claiming Housing Benefit and a contibution towards service charges from each resident.

Support Costs are met through Fundraising and Charitable donations.

Residents pay a weekly service charge as a contribution towards rental costs.

St James House - Group

Please download a leaflet.